That’s a wrap! See you in Denver in 2022!

And that’s a wrap for Open Repositories 2021! It has been an excellent four days of workshops, keynotes, presentations, panels, posters, and conversations. A big, big thank you to:

        • All of our attendees. Open Repositories is first and foremost about the community, and you all came through with great questions and comments.
        • Our 200 some presenters. The content you presented was thought provoking, useful, and engaging. We especially want to thank those of you who presented in English when it is not your native language.
        • Our keynote speakers, Jeremy Farrar, Stephanie Russo Carroll, and Bianca Amaro for such challenging and inspiring keynotes. Keynote speakers so often set the tone for a conference, and these speakers were no exception.
        • Our sponsors. Even with a virtual conference, there are expenses and we really appreciate the support of our sponsors – many of whom have been long time supporters of Open Repositories.
        • Organizations providing technical and logistical support in terms of Zoom access, website support, and fiscal support. We want to recognize EIFL, WACREN, CLIR, the Digital Repository of Ireland, and the University of Arizona Libraries for their support.
        • Our reviewers who helped guide what was accepted into the program and what wasn’t. We appreciate the time and energy you put into reviewing proposals!
        • Our program chairs and program committee who put in an incredible amount of work on managing the program from the call for proposals to managing the review process to putting together a compelling program.
        • Our host committee  who managed logistics for registration and scheduling, zoom set up, live streaming, sponsorship, social media, and so much more.

Nearly all of the presentations, keynotes, and workshops are now available in our YouTube channel and also deposited into the Open Repositories Zenodo community.

Finally, we are very excited to be planning to have our 2022 conference in person in Denver, Colorado, USA. The conference will be hosted by the Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries. See you all in 2022!

Welcome to day 3! OR goes global

Welcome to Open Repositories 2021 day 3! Today’s schedule is available to registered attendees in Sched and publicly in Conftool. Note that all times are in UTC! Today, OR goes truly global with sessions spanning 16 hours and many timezones. Can’t stay up all night, even for OR? Look for recordings in  Zenodo soon!

Session links & livestream

As a reminder, all session links are available to registered attendees Sched . Registration is now closed, but sessions are livestreamed via Youtube.

Program Highlights

Today there are many highlights! They include: the first Developer Track session (9:00 UTC), Posters Minute Madness (12:00 UTC), the evergreen Repository Rodeo (13:00 UTC) , and a keynote from Dr. Tahu Kukuta and Dr. Stephanie Russo Carroll (22:00 UTC) on Indigenous data.

See today’s full schedule in Sched and Conftool

Networking event

Missing the camaraderie of the conference experience? While there’s no conference dinner on a boat this year, we have the next best thing – a video networking session via Wonder at 17:00 UTC. This is open to registered attendees only.

Wonder allows you to roam around a virtual room and join/leave conversations much like at a live event. For more on how it works, see the Networking section of the attendee guide.

OR2021 sponsors – 4Science, Atmire, Cayuse, The Library Code, MyScienceWork and Samvera – will be in their dedicated Wonder room areas and we encourage you to have a chat with them. You can also chat with others about the Ideas challenge, catch up with old friends, or make new acquaintances! 

Check out more about OR sponsors on Youtube!

Welcome to day 2! Session links, livestream & recordings

Welcome to day 2 of Open Repositories 2021, where we’ll kick off the main programme! Below is important information about accessing conference sessions, livestreams and recordings.

Session links

  • Registered attendees must log into Sched to access session links! 
  • If you did not register, see livestream/recording info below (registration is now closed, as we have reached our maximum capacity)
  • Registered attendees were sent an invitation to join Sched. Check your inbox (or spam) for an email from with subject “You’re Invited To Open Repositories 2021”.
  • If you’re having trouble logging into Sched, you can set or reset your password . Use the email address that you used when registering for the conference in Eventbrite.

Livestream & recordings

  • Sessions will be livestreamed on YouTube. If you didn’t register for the conference or a session is full when you try to join, check out the livestream!
  • The public schedule is at, so you can see which sessions you might be interested in watching via Youtube or recordings.
  • If you can’t make it to a session, recordings will be available on Youtube shortly after each session.
  • Recordings and slides from yesterday’s workshops are available now.

For more details, see the attendee guide. If you’re presenting, also see the presenter guide.

Is it interoperability or is it integration?

This poster is part of the Open Repositories 2021 Poster Session which takes place in the week of June 7-10. We encourage you to ask questions and engage in discussion on this poster by using the comments feature. Authors will respond to comments during this week.


Paul L.S. Stokes; Tamsin Burland; John Kaye; Howard Williams

Poster description:

For those not of a technical bent, there is a great deal of confusion surrounding the terms ‘interoperability’ and ‘integration’, especially when it comes to the exchange of information in ‘black-box’ systems. The average depositor of data doesn’t want (or need) to know how data and meta data move around a system as long as what they put in eventually gets to where it should be, in the form it should be and can be seen by the appropriate people. However, a basic understanding of the similarities and differences between ‘interoperable’ systems and ‘integrated’ systems and the pros and cons of each approach when it comes to depositing, preserving and discovering data will help users and administrators make informed decisions when it comes to the specification of data management systems, and will help inform their day-to-day data management practices. This poster is intended to highlight those similarities and differences, pros and cons.

(Click on the image to expand)


About the authors:

Paul Stokes has had a varied career in both the commercial sector and academia (and all points in-between). At present he leads on preservation for Jisc’s Preservation service (and is currently referred to as a “Product Manager”). He is a director of the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) and a director of the Open Preservation Foundation (OPF). He’s been passionate about repositories and preservation for many decades and currently also has a number of bees in his bonnet regarding costs, value, sustainability, and storage.


Sherpa Romeo: Our roadmap

This poster is part of the Open Repositories 2021 Poster Session which takes place in the week of June 7-10. We encourage you to ask questions and engage in discussion on this poster by using the comments feature. Authors will respond to comments during this week.


Karen Jackson and Jane Anders

Poster description:

This poster will present the Jisc Open Research team’s roadmap for the development and enhancement of Sherpa Romeo over the coming years, and invite feedback, comments and questions from the user community.  We will be looking at the ways we plan to enhance the service, infrastructure and usability of Romeo, to ensure we are continuing to meet the needs of all our users throughout the changing OA policy landscape.

(Enter the full screen by opening the options menu)

[iframe src=”″ frameborder=”0″ width=”480″ height=”299″ allowfullscreen=”true” mozallowfullscreen=”true” webkitallowfullscreen=”true”]

About the authors:

Karen Jackson (Presenting author) is a Product Manager, Open Research Services team, at Jisc. She is responsible for the management and development of the Sherpa Services products. Karen is a library & information professional with a background in Higher Education libraries, repository management, open access and service/product management.  She has recently joined the Sherpa team having previously worked on other services supporting Open Access since joining Jisc in 2017.

Jane Anders is a Service Owner, Open Research Services team, at Jisc, responsible for the day-to-day running of the Sherpa Services. Jane is an information professional with a background in information management and science information provision, also a Chartered member of CILIP and an Associate member of ILM.  Her experience includes delivering expertise in open access, data collection and analysis of information and data.

Registration is filling up!

While most of our workshops have reached capacity, you can still register for the main Open Repositories 2021 conference. You can see the full program here:  and register here: Only a few tickets are left so act quickly!

We have loads of great presentations, panels, developer tracks, 24×7 sessions, and posters as well as three exciting keynote sessions.

Please note: once you register on Eventbrite, you will receive an email inviting you to join Sched within a day or two. Sched is where all links to sessions will reside. For more information, please see the attendee guide.

Registration is open!

Please join us for the 16th annual Open Repositories Conference.

Keynote speakers will include Sir Jeremy Farrar (Director of the Wellcome Trust), Dr. Bianca Amaro (President of LA Referencia, a Network of Repositories of Open Access to Science in Latin America, and Coordinator of the Brazilian Open Science Program at the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology) and Dr. Tahu Kukutai (Te Rūnanga Tātari Tatauranga/National Institute of Demographic and Economic Analysis, Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato/The University of Waikato) and Dr. Stephanie Russo Carroll (Associate Director and Manager, Tribal Health Program and Assistant Professor, Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, University of Arizona). Visit the Keynotes page for further information.

Workshops will be held on June 7th with the main conference beginning on June 8th. Workshop space is limited so there will be a cap on registration for each of the workshops. Some workshops do run concurrently so look at times carefully. Please visit the preliminary Programme schedule.

Registration is free. Once you have registered, you will be provided with information on how to access the conference on Zoom via Sched about four weeks before the conference begins. Welcome to Register!

Call for Proposals and key dates for OR 2021 virtual conference

The 2021 Call for Proposals is available. It describes the process for submitting presentations, panels, posters and workshops.

Key dates for OR 2021:

  • 25 January 2021: Deadline for submissions. 
  • 31 March 2021: Submitters notified of acceptance of full presentation, 24×7, workshop, poster and developer track proposals
  • Early April 2021: Registration opens (Registration is free!)
  • 7-10 June 2021: OR2021 conference

Postponement of in-person conference

The Open Repositories Steering Committee and the Stellenbosch University hosts have decided to postpone the in-person conference planned for summer 2021 in Stellenbosch, South Africa, and to hold a completely virtual conference instead. The uncertainty around the continuing pandemic, travel restrictions, and the budget crises many of our institutions are in have all contributed to this decision. For many of us the true value of Open Repositories is the international conversations and community that it fosters; we felt strongly that, even if conditions improve, an in-person conference or a hybrid virtual/in-person would not be successful given the likely poor attendance.

The program committee will be working to reshape the conference into a virtual one including reaching out to those who had their 2020 OR proposals accepted and deferred. We appreciate your patience as we do this work.

We want to reaffirm our plan to hold an Open Repositories conference in South Africa. After working with both our Stellenbosch and our Denver hosts (who were slated to host the 2022 OR), we have decided to continue to plan for Denver for 2022 and to plan for Stellenbosch in 2023.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me as Chair or Claire Knowles as Vice-Chair of the OR Steering Committee if you have questions.

Thank you –

Sarah Shreeves, Chair ORSC


Claire Knowles, Vice Chair ORSC

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