Bepress to DSpace in PJs: Migrating two open repositories from home

This poster is part of the Open Repositories 2021 Poster Session which takes place in the week of June 7-10. We encourage you to ask questions and engage in discussion on this poster by using the comments feature. Authors will respond to comments during this week.


Julia Corrice; Chloe McLaren; Jim Del Rosso; Gail Steinhart

Poster description:

In 2019, Cornell University Library (CUL) made the decision to migrate multiple institutional repositories from bepress into eCommons, its locally supported DSpace instance. When migration project planning began in February of 2020, we could not have anticipated the impact the COVID-19 pandemic would soon have on our work. We’ll share some background–how Cornell ended up with multiple institutional repositories and our rationale for consolidation, and then describe the work itself, with particular focus on the challenges and approaches we used to successfully complete this project during a pandemic, with all staff making an abrupt and unplanned transition to working remotely.

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About the authors:

Julia Corrice (Presenting author): Julia Corrice is the Metadata Operations Librarian at Cornell University Library, where she focuses on metadata maintenance activities, primarily the integration of metadata between systems and extending relationships between resources. Before joining Cornell, she worked as the Digital Services Librarian for the South Central Regional Library Council, a member of the Empire State Library Network. She received her MLIS in 2012 from Syracuse University with a CAS in Digital Libraries.

Chloe McLaren: Chloe McLaren is the Metadata Projects Librarian at Cornell University Library. She currently works broadly in the institutional repository and manages the library’s streaming video platform. Before becoming a librarian, she worked as a projectionist. She received her MLIS in 2010 from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

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