
OR 2021 Sponsorship Opportunity

Sponsorship opportunities are available for the 16th International Conference on Open Repositories (OR2021). The event will take place from June 7-10, 2021 virtually.

OR2021 provides a space to explore and reflect on the ways repositories enable openness for all. We hope that this discussion will give the participants new insights and inspiration for their roles in developing, supporting, and sharing an open agenda and tools for research and scholarship. The organizers anticipate more than 350 participants from all over the world. The participants include administrators, software developers, systems engineers, librarians, and repository managers. Researchers in digital libraries and similar fields will be present, too.

OR2021 is an excellent place for companies and organisations that operate in the fields associated with digital repositories, including data curation, digital asset management, digital storage, research information systems, scholarly publications, and open access.

You can showcase products and services, and communicate with national and international leaders and decision makers in the digital repository community. Your company or organisation can demonstrate active involvement in the global effort toward interoperable digital repositories that provide broad access to quality information and resources. Through sponsorship you will reach an international audience representing universities, libraries, public administration and businesses. You will be able to build networks with leaders who are making an impact on science, education, and culture of the digital age.

Because of the virtual setting, we are limiting the sponsorship option to one level:

Sponsor (USD 1000)

  • Logo on the welcoming slides prior to each of the keynotes and presentation sessions.
  • Acknowledgement from conference organizers at the welcoming session on each day.
  • Logo displayed on the front page of the OR2021 website.
  • Opportunity to interact with attendees on our networking platform.

You are welcome to get in touch us : jwd[at]iu.edu (Jon Dunn in the OR Host and Steering Committee).

We kindly request you contact us regarding sponsorship by May 24, 2021.